Central Christian Academy Choir (Central Singers)
This is a performance choral ensemble that meets on Mondays and Thursdays as an elective class from 3:00pm-3:40pm. Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades may enroll by simply letting me (Mrs. Knocke) or Mrs. Kaye (Middle School Administrative Assistant) know that you would like to sign up. There is not a required audition nor prior experience necessary. You may also come “try choir out” for the first 2 weeks of the semester to see if you enjoy the class prior to making your decision to enroll.
There is no fee for enrolling in Honors Choir, but students are responsible for providing/purchasing their “performance attire”. The young ladies wear white, long-sleeved blouses with a collar, black knee-length skirts, black opaque tights, and black flat dress shoes. The young gentlemen wear black, long-sleeved dress shirts with a collar, black dress pants, black socks, black dress shoes, and a white satin tie that I will order for you at the beginning of the semester. The ties cost $6.00.
Students will learn repertoire of various styles in 2 and 3 vocal parts. Students will learn to sing in a large ensemble applying proper vocal pedagogy and musical elements of rhythm, pitch, harmony, expression, dynamics, and part blending. Students receive a grade for this class based upon class attendance, participation effort, classroom behavior/attitude, and performances attendance.
Honors Choir performs annually at the Fall Banquet in November, Christmas Concert in December, ACSI Music Festival in Kansas City in April, Grandparents’ Day in spring, the Prayer Breakfast and the Spring Concert in May. The choir also does a few “run-outs” during the year, especially during the Christmas season, where students perform their selections locally for various groups in our community.
Although Honors Choir is a full year class in length, students are not required to enroll for the entire year if they do not wish to do so. As 7th & 8th graders especially, middle school students have opportunities to participate in the many elective class options offered during 8th hour during the school year. We understand that they would like to try out various classes. Students may be in choir on Mondays & Thursdays and a different elective or study hall on Tuesdays & Wednesdays.
In order to accommodate this factor, but also adequately plan for choir enrollment and our performance repertoire, we respectfully ask that enrolled students commit to at least one full semester of choir as we prepare for semester-end concerts, contests, and other large performances. Most choir students do choose to be in the ensemble the entire year.
Rebecca Busenitz
Central Christian Academy
Vocal Music Director