We are extremely excited to offer students an updated space, the Innovation Center, to create, collaborate, learn, build, and demolish.
This improved space includes these rooms:
- Maker Lab
- Media Lab (This houses the 3D printer lab and Green Screen movie-making studio.)
- Collaboration Lab (aka "Lions Learning Lab - L3")
- An exit door to the Outdoor Learning Center
- Library with over 5,000 items in circulation.
What you may see happening if you came by our Innovation Center (a.k.a. the "IC"):
Students and Teachers...
- Creating circuits with LittleBits or Snap-Circuits electronics or Makey-Makey kits
- Printing items on one of our 3D printers
- Constructing items out of different materials (duct tape, cardboard, Legos, 3D pens, pipe cleaners, construction paper and more)
- Taking apart old technology to see what's inside and sometimes re-purposing it
- Recording movies in front of a green screen with advanced movie-studio equipment or just an iPad
- Collaborating with Chromebooks and a flat screen TV
- Making hands-on items like cardboard automata, super cool wind tunnels, weather-proof house models, etc.
- Heading to the Outdoor Learning Center to begin a group session on plants, soil, and the uses of a greenhouse
- Computer coding on an iPad with one of eight DASH or DOT robots to accomplish a task or finish a mission

-- Robotics Club is also offered for 1st-3rd grades --

-- Students Programming DASH robots in a course --