Need-Based Financial Aid
Once families have completed our admissions process and submitted an enrollment contract, you can apply for our need-based financial aid online by clicking here.
To be considered, all applications must be verified by FACTS.
After completing the online application, the following information will need to be uploaded to FACTS:
- Copies of federal tax forms, including all supporting tax schedules, from the previous year
- When applicable, copies of supporting documentation for social security income, welfare, child support, food stamps, workers' compensation, and TANF
All supporting documentation can be uploaded in PDF format directly through the FACTS Grant & Aid Application portal.
Please allow 10-14 business days for your application and supporting tax documents to be verified. It is recommended that you keep a copy of your financial application for your records.
Central Christian Academy cannot review any tuition assistance applications prior to the enrollment completion of each child or children. Award decisions are not made by FACTS, but by the CCA School Committee. Tuition assistance will not exceed 50% of total tuition.
If you have any questions, please contact Celeste Mathews, Business Office Manager, at (316) 688-1161 or
Grants for Central Christian Church Members
Grant money is gifted, based on funds available, to qualified members. The grant is not need-based financial assistance, and the same amount is given to each qualified family. It is best described as a church discount that is extended to church members who are faithful in time, talent, and treasure to Central Christian Church.
The grant has three qualifications to be eligible:
1) Family must be formal members of CCC a minimum of one year prior to the school year that the grant is being applied for.
2) The family must be active members by attending and serving in the church on a regular basis (minimum of three times a month).
3) The family must be a tithing family (giving 10% of annual income to CCC).
Families who meet this criterion and would like to apply for the grant may do so by contacting the Central Christian Church office at 316-688-4400.